
A Superpower technology to find fraudsters.

Knockout bad actors with AuthenticID Fraud Shield

Your one-hit solution to finding fraudsters.

Proprietary fraud detection and protection service.

Get Ahead of Fraudsters

Total fraud and identity theft have nearly tripled over the last decade and your business needs a solution that can fight back. Fraud Shield by AuthenticID can stop a fraud attack in just a matter of seconds. 

Fraud Shield offers users lightning-fast audit on a users face during authentication. Users will be automatically blocked when found on a bad watchlist.

Four Ways AuthenticID Aids in Fraud Detection

Biographical Enrollment 

Fraud detection software today has to be as sophisticated as the fraudsters themselves. Often times, bad actors will use the information from a real ID to impersonate someone else. AuthenticID has the software necessary to scan the face of the person in the ID and a selfie to ensure ID validity.

Bad Actor Watchlists

With AuthenticID, fraudsters never get a second chance to try again. When a user tries to present an ID that is a fake, their IP address, name on the ID, ID number and selfie are saved. We have an ever-expanding network of bad actors that help our users and customers prevent fraud now and in the future.

Bad Document Watchlists

Fraud Shield’s Bad Document screening utilizes proprietary technology to manage a fraudulent document watchlist and unbiased, AI-based decisioning. Cut out the risk of identity verification processes with Fraud Shield. The Watchlist is updated in a matter of seconds so fraudsters don’t have time to submit multiple documents. 

Biometric Identification

Biometric ID verification is the leading form of fraud prevention on the market right now because of its digital complexity. Fraudsters have a harder time duplicating an individual’s facial features, which is why it’s our strongest feature to protect against identity theft. 

Fraud Detection and Blacklisting

How do all of these features come together to protect users from identity theft and cyber attacks? Here’s how Fraud Shield works:

  • A user attempts to register or sign up for a service and must provide identity verification.
  • With AuthenticID software, they will upload a government-issued identification document.
  • Then, the user will submit a selfie from their phone or computer. 
  • Our facial recognition software will detect whether the images match in real-time.

Our identity proofing and fraud prevention solutions are powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, cutting bias and human error, and blocking fraudulent activity.

Fraud shield uses advanced fraud detection to discover and protect against bad actors.

Future-Proof Your Business

The goal of login security since the emergence of fraud risk has been to pinpoint a way to confirm someone’s identity with 100% accuracy, preventing account takeovers or information from getting stolen. Our hearty mix of biometric and biographic verification takes your business and future proofs its customer and business data. 

The safer your programming is and the less likely a hacker could steal your data, the more likely customers will trust your business with their information. 

Our immediate fraud-fighting power has an average of 1,000 to 1 ROI.

We work within a hyper-digitized environment, therefore employing advanced technologies to combat the sophistication of fraudsters is a must.

Fraud shield detects bad actors by face, not name.


Bad actors often use the information of real individuals to create fake IDs, a challenging fraud method to stop. Scanning the face on the ID is critical for detection, as a person’s face cannot be changed easily. A selfie is encouraged as part of Fraud Shield, so that our facial recognition technology can flag the headshot or selfie as a selfie mismatch to the database when new transactions occur.

Eliminate fake IDs or fake government documents with advanced fraud detection algorithms.


AuthenticID’s Bad Document screening utilizes proprietary technology to manage a bad document watchlist for decisioning. When a Bad Document is confirmed, a customer can enroll the document number and its jurisdiction onto a watchlist. The watchlist update takes effect immediately after document enrollment, with no lag for multiple fraudulent document attempts.

Screen against any number of fraud triggers:

  • ID photos
  • Selfies
  • Database photos
  • ID document numbers
  • Full names
  • IP addresses
  • Time zones
  • ID document front image
  • Specific devices

When it comes to identity protection and business continuity, a robust fraud detection software solution is a must.

Advanced fraud detection and protection.


Why Fraud Shield is for You

Immediate fraud-fighting power with an average 1,000 to 1 ROI

Fraud Shield is useful for just about any industry. Our industry experts can help you choose the right solutions to fit your business and the local and national compliance requirements.

The workforce has moved online, yet identification remains just as important. Customers and employees demand a frictionless onboarding process, otherwise, you risk application abandonment. So how do you ensure your business is safe from application fraud while ensuring it’s aligned with fraud prevention laws?

Fraud Shield and the entire AuthenticID platform are the perfect solution because they use three-factor identification, the latest biometric login technology, and an easy-to-use system that integrates smoothly with any program. 

Our capabilities reach across 200+ countries, languages and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The mix of AI and ML technology allows us to streamline and quicken the identification process without the use of manual document review. Fraud data analytics do all of the work so your business can focus on what you do best.

Biometrics allows a user to log into their banking account with ease to avoid a fraudulent transaction within their account. With this level of security, your customers can feel safe completing transactions over the internet and on their mobile.

Friendly fraud and payment card fraud are frustrating and dangerous to someone’s livelihood and identity protection. With AuthenticID’s fraud detection software, your business can cut down on identity theft and make the internet a safer place.

Build trust and safety by eliminating bad actors within your user base.

Let us Show you What Sets AuthenticID Apart.

From the start, AuthenticID fraud prevention services can improve the trust and customer experience within your business. After a demo of our software, you have the choice of all of our software to help align with data protection laws and build customer confidence in your business. 

Integrating our automated, accurate Fraud Shield technology into your workflows is easy. Let our experts show you how.